It’s getting harder, folks. Mike himself would say that the first round of chemo had its share of awful moments, but overall it was easier than we’d expected. Well, the …
Mike’s hair started to fall out last Tuesday, and the next day we went to visit a cousin with clippers and she did the close-crop honors. Now Mike has a …
Since Mike’s testicular cancer diagnosis, I’ve learnt all sorts of new words – words like seminoma, bleomycin, etopiside, cisplatin, and nadir. Nadir. Every time I hear that I picture somewhere …
A couple of years ago now, I read Donald Miller’s A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. Following the great success of his memoir Blue Like Jazz , Miller slumped …
Dear Lisa, Five years ago today we stood in front of family and friends and we vowed to share with each other life’s joys and sorrows, pleasures and pains …
I walked into the kitchen last night to find Mike lying on the floor clutching his foot, a pool of blood spreading rapidly beneath him. “Go get gloves,” Mike said. …