Mike’s cancer: Our initial plans

by Lisa


We’ve arrived safely in Australia (albeit minus things like my prescription sunglasses, the boys immunization records, and vitamins – which were all forgotten in the scramble to get packed).

I’m also minus my voice. I got a bad cold on Monday and it got worse and worse as we packed. I was a sexy sort of hoarse by the time we landed in Brisbane (it was the only thing remotely sexy about me after a day and a half on 10 minutes sleep) but now my voice is completely gone. I’m sure Dominic is enjoying the break from “no”, but I’d sure like to be able to participate in the planning of things without having to type out my thoughts. It’s sort of like being in a one-sided long distance relationship (well, with hugs, which are a very nice bonus). And I’m finding that not being able to talk is giving me entirely too much time to think.

Time is short – I can hear Alex downstairs wondering aloud where his personal milk bar is – so I’ll get straight to the important stuff.

Mike has an ultrasound scan today. We meet the specialist up in Brisbane on Monday. Surgery is already scheduled for Tuesday. The earliest any results about stage/spread etc. will be back is Thursday next week, so we’ll know more about what’s ahead of us then.

Finally (for now) … Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Comments and emails have poured in since we broke the news and the traffic to Tuesday’s post broke the blog a couple of times. We’ve been reading everything every time we can snatch ten minutes on the computer. We are so very grateful for all the wonderful people around the world that we’ve had the privilege of sharing some life-time with throughout the years.

I look forward to being able to answer some of these notes and comments, but haven’t even tried to tackle that yet. The kids mean that computer time is in short supply, and so is my ability to focus. We’re still all so disoriented. A week ago we had no inkling that we’d wake up today in Australia.

When I woke up this morning I wondered where I was. Then I was briefly happy to be here. Then I remembered why we were here.

For the first time ever, I really hope our stay here is a short one.

I’ll keep you posted as I can. Hope all your new years are off to a wonderful start.Â

By the Mekong. Does Alex have Mike’s smile, or what?

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joslyne January 3, 2014 - 6:07 am

Thanks for the update! You have all been in my thoughts. I’m glad to know you are grounded and starting the fight. You GO, McKay-Wolf family! We are cheering you on!

Tiffany January 3, 2014 - 9:08 am

Prayers on your behalf from Philadelphia…..trusting in God’s faithfulness and goodness. “For our light and momentary trials are achieving for us an eternal glory which far outweighs them all.” Love that verse…

Alexis Grant January 3, 2014 - 9:32 am

Appreciate the update, and still thinking of you!

Sarah K January 3, 2014 - 9:47 am

No words are adequate really… Glad you are in safe, capable hands, in a place where there is a beautiful view to escape to – perhaps for a moment, and somewhere to look up and know you are loved.
Praying for you all.

Kim Diffey January 3, 2014 - 12:22 pm

Mike and Lisa, thoughts and prayers are with you. I find I’m at a loss for words and that waiting is hard. My hope is that there is kindness in all that is medical, live and support at every turn when you both need it, and moments when you can hold each other and be peaceful. Our love is with you!!!

Michelle January 3, 2014 - 12:33 pm

Thanks so much for taking the time to update all of us. Wishing you the shortest of visits. xo

Brian Stolarczyk January 3, 2014 - 12:48 pm

I am so very sorry to hear the news. (with the holiday I must have missed the original post.) Please know that we are praying for you all. As I have learned this past year, cancer impacts the whole family. Love and prayers from our family to yours. -Brian

Dawn January 3, 2014 - 1:48 pm

Thinking of you all and wishing for positive results and a speedy recovery. Glad you are able to be with family too. Love you all,

Shirley Brosius January 3, 2014 - 5:53 pm

Thank you for the update. Will keep praying for you all in Millersburg.

James Jancu January 3, 2014 - 7:19 pm

God has a plan, even in the darkest places we find ourselves . . . there is a plan and we can only trust in the reasons we may never truly understand. From someone on “that journey” I am sad to hear about the news . . . I wish this on no one. But I can say there are far more blessings than challenges, more hugs than tears and more hope than fear if you allow others in. God bless you in this journey.

Wendy January 4, 2014 - 3:03 am

So sorry to hear the news. Thinking of you all and praying for you. lots of love Wendy

Dallas January 4, 2014 - 3:16 am

Alex looks like Mike and so much like Dominic too! Mike’s been heavy on my heart since I read your first posts. Our family is praying for you and holding you close. I’m hoping next time you come to visit your parents in the states we can get together. Remembering many fun times together in high school, Dallas

Natalie January 4, 2014 - 4:20 am

All over the world you have friends that are praying for you. I am one of them.

Roxanne January 6, 2014 - 8:01 pm

Sending all the healing, good thoughts that I can muster and keeping your entire family in my thoughts, Lisa.

Louise January 7, 2014 - 9:50 am

You are all in my thoughts today – sending best wishes and positive thoughts.

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