During one of our Skype conversations last week my mother mentioned that my grandmother had not enjoyed reading my post about our re-entry. Apparently, our re-entry tribulations were still costing…
Life in Laos
Here are some of the highlights of our return to Laos (It’s a bit long, I’m warning you, but so was our trip. And you’ll have to imagine the soundtrack…
I know I haven’t posted many thoughtful updates lately of the type I used to write. That’s because I still haven’t quite recovered the energy I need to actually think…
Pre-Script: I wrote this post yesterday and was telling Mike about it last night, when he informed me that Thanksgiving is next week. Oh well. I’m gonna post it anyway,…
I’m back on the writer’s schedule for A Life Overseas after my “maternity leave”. Here’s today’s post… If you have a toddler or young child and you’ve moved overseas, you…
Some moments that have made me laugh lately. To set the scene: Mike is currently house-sitting for friends of ours in Vientiane who own a very affectionate cat that is…