I always think I’m going to have more time on holidays to get stuff done, but in the end I always have less. Although, come to think of it, I …
The month of patience for my fruits of the spirit project is over (thank goodness) and the month of kindness has begun. Before it started, I assumed that this month …
I drifted off close to midnight last night and woke up in a panic at 3:45AM, remembering that I had not informed the taxi that was picking me up for …
It’s been five days since we landed in Washington DC after a mammoth 36-hour journey from Laos, and we’re starting to emerge from the jet lag fog. Dominic only woke …
This season of change continues at a rapid pace. We’re mostly unpacked in our new home now, and we even have wireless internet again after an in-house internet fast of …
“I’m a bad mother.” Even as I heard myself say those words to Mike last week on the phone, I cringed. Mike was away for most of the week, so …