It’s 9:45pm. Mike and Lisa have just finished watching West Wing together on the couch. It’s dark. It’s late. It’s romantic. Lisa gives Mike a fond squeeze. Mike suddenly wiggles …
Weekday morning. McWolfe household. Mike: “OK, time to go, you’re running late. No more dawdling.” Lisa (not in the mood to go to work yet, Lisa wanders into the bedroom …
Mike and Lisa are in the car. Sara Bareilles’ “Love Song” comes on. I’m not gonna write you a love song ’cause you ask for it ’cause you need one …
It’s Sunday afternoon. For about a year now, most Sunday afternoons when Mike and I are in the same country we open a bottle of wine, lay out some cheese …
Gazing at the vase of tulips on our coffee table: Lisa: “They’re so red and gorgeous. Do tulips look like poppies?” Mike: “Yeah, a little. Wait…” (opening his computer, pulling …
I find Phnom Penh really, really hard to spell. Makes me stop and think every time. Most trips make me stop and think hard in some way, and this one …