Bright spots and big steps in 2021

by Lisa

2021. The year life returned to normal after the most significant global health and economic crisis of my lifetime. Or… not much.

Just like 2020, COVID uncertainty and flux dominated the year. There were lockdowns, masks, and some (fairly disastrous and thankfully very brief) attempts at homeschooling.

There were way too many moments of extreme (and extremely difficult) parenting challenges.

There was also Afghanistan, and Haiti, and seemingly just So. Much. Pain. happening in all directions every time I looked at a news site.

In brief, 2021 felt like a complete schmozzle in many ways.


When you’re talking about something as long and deep and multitudinous as an entire year, the story is never completely bleak. 2021 also had some sunny days, bright moments of happiness, and big steps forward. So in the spirit of remembering and celebrating the positives, here is a look at the best of 2021 for our family.

Our house renovation: When 2021 dawned we had an early 1980s style kitchen and living area complete with dark brown cork floors (so very practical, so incredibly ugly). As 2021 draws to a close we have a completely transformed house. Here is to light and space – they are both good for the soul.

Dude the cobberdog: He’s only been with us six weeks but, as we had hoped, Dude is bringing many micro-moments of happiness and laughter and affection into our family. The poet Mary Oliver has put it well… “Because of the dog’s joyfulness, our own is increased. It is no small gift.”

The caravan => office: As it became increasingly clear that it was time for Alex to have his own bedroom, we needed some extra office space. Mike’s main office is now a caravan surrounded by rainforest trees. This is not quite as charming in practice as it is in abstract, but we are grateful for both the extra space and for knowledgeable friends who helped us renovate said caravan.

Mike’s coaching qualifications: Mike began training in coaching in January 2021. Seven intensive courses and several hundred additional hours of coaching practice and supervision later, he passed his exam this month, and is now a fully certified coach. Watching him grow and learn on this journey this year has been one of my absolute favorite things.

Mike and I working together: Mike and I had the opportunity to work together this year on a large consulting project for the first time, conducting a wellbeing assessment for a large international NGO that works with refugees. We bring very complementary expertise to the task of assisting humanitarian workers and organizations, and it was rewarding and meaningful to collaborate on this very meaningful project and learn that we make a good team professionally as well as personally.

Little House on the Prairie audiobooks on Scribd: In February 2021 I started playing Little House In The Big Woods as an audiobook while driving Dominic up to the Gold Coast for a medical appt. Since then, the boys and I have listened to all eight books in this series, twice. When we finished the first time, they both wanted to listen to them all over again, so it has been our bedtime listening all year. Along the way we’ve had plenty of conversations about racism, land rights, gender roles, gratitude/attitude, and history.

Carcassone and Ticket To Ride: Carcassone was my family-game Christmas purchase for 2020, and Ticket To Ride (Europe) was my choice for this year. Both hits for the whole family. Both highly recommended.

InTune with PDA: As Mike and I continue on our journey of understanding neurodivergence and how we can be the best parents possible for our complicated little package(s), Kristy Forbes’ 12-week online program for families raising kids with a PDA profile was probably the best “parental development” investment we made this year.

This “Understanding ADHD” video: What IS ADHD? And how do you EXPLAIN it to people? This video brings simple explanations of the most common ADHD challenges. Super good and worth the 7:38 it takes to watch, even if you’re NOT living with someone who with ADHD wiring.

The TV series Offspring: I don’t watch much TV, but got into this show on Netflix towards the middle of the year, and it was such a fun escape. Enough goofy to be fun. Enough real-feel family drama to make you care. Â

Jimmy Rees videos: I am SO late to YouTube, folks. But Jimmy Rees videos have given me some much-needed laughter this year. The guy who decides netflix is probably my all-time fave.

I’ll end with that. I devoutly hope 2022 brings us all more laughter. And I hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday season. Happy New Year.

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